Youth Engagement and Empowerment Project (YEEP)
The partners brought in unique expertise and value addition to the project with each leading the implementation of specific components while ensuring integration and complementarity in the targeted areas of Nebbi, Gulu, Oyam and Arua.
IFRAD employed a private sector approach towards development. They emphasized building and strengthening of the youth capacities for the informal and formal private sector.
AYDL focused on building youth capacities in leadership, influencing, and advocacy. They also popularized youth-related policies in communities through different channels.
The project mobilized youth groups and equipped them with entrepreneurship skills where the majority successfully identified business opportunities, transformed existing projects, gained access to markets for their products, and even started financial services for their communities.
Here is a snapshot of the project impact and reach;
- 1,518 total people were reached of which 71% were female and 29% male.
- 83% of the youth were reported an increase in income.
- 1290 Youth Accessed the markets and finance.
- 5 Advocacy platforms were established.
Download the report to read more about the impact and stories from the youth.
Implementing partners
- Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF)
- COVID Watch Africa Initiative (CWAI)
- Interparty Youth Platform (IYOP)
- National Youth Council (NYC)
- Uganda National Students Association (UNSA)
- Bugiri Local Government
- Busia Local Government
- Youth Coalition on Electoral Democracy (YCED)
- Show Abilities Uganda (SAU)
- West Nile Youth Empowerment Centre (WNYEC)
- Rwenzori Peace Bridge of Reconciliation (RPBR)
- Public Affairs Centre of Uganda (PAC Uganda)
- Creations Forum Afrika (CFA)
- Human Rights Focus (HURIFO)
- Youth Advocacy & Development Network (YADNET)
- Uganda Youth Network (UYONET)
- Uganda Parliamentary Forum on Youth Affairs (UPFYA)
- Open Space Centre (OSC)
- Public Policy Institute (PPI)
- Sensitize Uganda (SU)
- Youth for Tax Justice Network (YTJN)
- Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG)
- Gulu Women Economic Development and Globalization (GWED-G)
- International Foundation for Recovery & Development (IFRAD)